Monday, November 21, 2005

I Reminisce Alone, I Guess (two posts down)

Come one remembers the Ancient Chinese Secret Calgon Commercial? The Stupid Lady walking into the Chinese Laundry?

The whole bonding thing with my Chinese daughter was a joke (well not bonding, but having to explain that commercial)..I have a whole lot more to worry about if I have to do everything APC tells me I need to do. Or actually, I know I need to do most everything APC tells me I need to do, but you never know what is the right thing in the end after everyone dissects it to pieces. Actually, I still enjoy reading the debates. It is thought provoking at times. However, some of those people can be very nasty or narrow minded towards one another. And quite a few forget what being funny is all about. OK, now that I've gotten off topic.

How about Madge and Palmolive? As I told you, I'm bored today.


Gracencameronsmomy said...

I remeber those commercials! I'm bored today, too...

Gracencameronsmomy said...

PS, I had to sign off APC after my daughter was home, couldn't handle the guilt...I still read PAC occassionally...Lisa