Sunday, March 12, 2006

Am I A Bad Mommy?

My son had a little $3 toy that was given to him by some family friends that when you pressed it, made 30 seconds of train sounds...basically sounding like a train chugging down the tracks with random whistle blowing every now and then. He loved it.

My husband and I would hide it at various places around the house because when he found it, he would carry it around and just keep pressing the button FOREVER. Then, this week, I tossed it in the garbage while he was in preschool.

Am I a bad mother?


Stephanie said...

Oh please - I take a garbage bag into my daughter's room once in a while and when she is not looking toss some of those little crappy toys you get in the happy meal box. If I didn't, my house would be in chaos!

Anonymous said...

You are not a bad Mommy, you are a smart one! The first rule of discarding cheap, annoying toys (and they should meet this criteria) is that you do so when the said child is not home. Make sure that garbage day is soon, and be careful that your little helper doesn't decide to throw something away in the meantime and accidentally find it!! Trust me, I have done this a few times.

p.s. If you get up really early (that's when the garbage truck comes at my house) and sneak out to the curb with the unwanted toys before the kids get up, it is almost always a guaranteed successful mission! Good Luck :)

Elle said...

You are definitely not a bad mommy. I toss annoying toys frequently. Why is it that family members and friend give these gifts to our kids?

Tammy said...

Be sure to take the trash out to the big can - my son always sees what I've thrown out. I swear he must dig thru the trash - I do shove the crazy little toys under other stuff. Thanks for admitting that you do it.


M3 said...

Heh, I know I'm going to do the exact same thing. I've got no tolerance for high-pitched noises (thank god my husband plays the tuba and not the flute!) so I know if Funshine has a screechy toy it's going to just "disappear"...

Gracencameronsmomy said...

The key is not getting caught...