Saturday, April 22, 2006

Commode Privacy

I used to be one all about personal boundaries. One of those things was the toilet. I thought, although I was quite comfortable with my husband seeing me on the toilet, if was best to keep that private because I think that somehow that can ultimately create a sense of "too much comfort" and make intimacy, oh, I don't know...a little less romantic.

Then came the kids. And I got the thinking today....

Is there anyone out there with young kids who actually goes to the bathroom with the doors closed? Can you tell me how you manage to do it? I mean when there aren't guests in the house, and you are forced to lock everyone out?

Now, I'm watched by everyone in this family. Including the damn dog. Such is life.


Unknown said...

Too funny! I tell my husband all the time how lucky he is to use the bathroom at work without an audience. My 2 sons always come into the bathroom with me, even into the half bath which is a tight squeeze.

Thanks for the laugh!

Gracencameronsmomy said...

I ALWAYS have 2 kids and the dog in the bathroom with me...but when THEY need to go,they want privacy! Ha!

Georgia said...

Jeff and I do keep this one area still private from each other, but I can say I've used the bathroom with a dog and 5 cats fighting for my attention. They know when they have you cornered!

Kristin said...

please, i don't even try... eva just bangs on the door with her little fists...

Colleen said...

The greatest is when I can't even have privacy when I'm taking care of "feminine business". I love trying to explain it to my 5 year old w/o having her fear puberty.

Kim M. said...

Get over it. You are never going to wee alone or shower alone or talk on the phone alone. Such is life.

Space Mom said...

Wow, I made a big deal over "privacy". I often have the kids waiting for me, but they understand that mommy needs privacy in the potty.

I think by pushing that young, it has helped. Although yesterday, Dr. Jay needed to go and S sat outside the door crying for him for 10 minutes.

Lisa and Tate said...

First I really must say that your kids are just plain ADORABLE!!!!

Okay... got to respond to that whole idea of no privacy!!!! can't do it.... not even with the dog in the room....


Karen and Jon said...

LOL - Another reason to get away to Vegas. I swear we will let you pee by yourself.

BabyonBored said...

Oh please. Everyone watches me pee now and bathe and pluck my eyebrows and bleach my mustache, all the things that used to be sacred. I think we're done with privacy for the next 10 years or so.

Donna said...

For the first five months post China, Gwen had to have access to me constantly. I put a baby gate across the door of the bathroom so she could see me but not come in and unroll the TP or flush the toilet or do anything else that was doing to stress me out too much to let nature take its course (which was, afterall, why I was in the bathroom to begin with!).

During that time, Daddy could disappear for a hour with a good book and never be bothered but mommy had to do her business while looking right into the face of her drooling child.

Now I can close and lock the door and she's okay with it. She just pounds on it and sounds sad and rejected. If the door wasn't locked, she'd be in my lap!


Anonymous said...

Coming late to this party, but wanted to add that yesterday, I was in the bathroom with my daughter, my dog, my niece and my sister. The guest bathroom, not much bigger than the actual toilet. I might need to go to Vegas for some privacy too.