Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Signs That You Really Are A Parent

Have I really become a parent? Doing the things and repeating the kind of phases you never thought you'd hear yourself say?

The other night at the dinner table Ian was drinking a glass of water with a big plastic straw. He was taking the straw in and out of the cup, putting his hands into the cup to pull out ice cubes, and blowing air into the straw to do the one thing that is so entertaining to kids: making bubbles.

I said, "Are you going to sit there and drink the water or play with the water?" (all the while remembering what it was like blowing bubbles like that as a kid and knowing that I sound like a "mom".....like...just what are you doing, young man?)

He looked at me, knowing what the correct answer should be, and said, "Play with the water."

And I said, "That is not an option!"

And Bryan and I threatened to take the beverage away. And then I told Bryan...oh, God, do we sound like parents.

Then this morning, since my son hates me to touch his hair to fix it in any form or fashion, I did the ultimate in mothering. Normally, when he wakes, I let him get dressed and go to school in the way that his hair is lying. Unless there is something incredibly important, his hair normally takes on some semblance of normalcy during the day. It's not worth the fight. He hates water on his hair.

But this morning it was sticking up to the point that I was kind of embarrassed to take him in like that. So while I was buckling him in his carseat this morning, I licked my hand, and patted his hair in position.

"Ewwwww," Ian screamed.

Who would have thought?


Space Mom said...

BUt it was an option mom, you said so yourself!!!!

(somedays we have silly dinner just so they can be kids)

My favorite is "Are you going to eat that cake or not" (and if you don't, can I eat it?)

Michelle said...

I work with kids, and I find myself saying those kinds of things all the time already! I'm sure it's only going to get worse when we have one of our own!

Mrs Pushy said...

Have you said the "Mother" of all parental comments- "Because I said so!" ? That's when you'll really know that you've crossed over:)

Kristin said...

I still do the old spit-on-a-tissue-wipe-the-face-clean number... I also believe I told my sons not to be "silly" the other day... then I amended it to, "don't be silly right now"... ugh, that's me, mommy no fun.

rubyiscoming said...

AAAAAAAHHHH, the parent genes have WON!!! You ARE your parents! Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.


Gracencameronsmomy said...

You did not do the spit thing!! What about the "don't put __Blank__ in your mouth" (rock, penny,stick,dog poop, the list goes on...) oh the things you nver thought you'd do!

M3 said...

Dying laughing over here!!!!
I am *never* doing the spit thing. Never!!!! (Do you think if I say it outloud enough times it will ward it off and I can resist?) Oh man, I'm doomed...

Tammy said...

I am always sounding like my mom too - how does that happen? Yesterday, standing at the bus stop, I had to spit shine the pizza sauce off of my son's face.
