Thursday, April 20, 2006

Spit and Boogers

I am staring out the window of Starbucks trying to think of something to write and having a difficult time, when a man just walked by and spit. Yuck. I hate that. Why can't people just swallow their saliva? Gross. Absolutely one of the most disgusting things in my book.

And yesterday, at this same place, I was putting sugar in my coffee, and again, a MAN, walked up and grabbed a napkin and blew his nose right next to me in the condiment area. What's that all about? Can't you just walk into the bathroom and take care of emptying your boogery nose around the corner? Or walk outside? Do you have to do it by my coffee?

Am I the only one annoyed by this?


LindaJ said...

If you hate spitting....your gonna hate China. Everyone hocks lougies (spelling?) and spits on the ground. IT IS NASTY. We tried to tune it out, but it was one of the grossest things, next to the occasional wiff of raw sewer.

Shortly after we returned I read a artical on where the Chinese gov. was trying to stop people from doing it. Spit police?

Any type of bodily, mucus grosses me out.

Space Mom said...

Haven't you watched "Finding Nemo" With Mount "wannahockalougie"?

Any way, I call it "spitting like a true hockey player"

Anyway, I wanted to ask, how do you get to a Starbucks with 2 kids?

Stacey T. said...

Oh GAWD! Wait until China, people are spitting everywhere, and coughing without covering, which is what KILLED me! No wonder they had SARS!

Elle said...

I can kinda deal with the spitting. Must be from living in Texas and seeing guys spit out their chewing tobacco...juices? Whatever it is. Yeah, it is gross. But, the blowing the nose or doing the loogie thing - I don't know how to spell that either- actually gags me. I see or hear someone do that and my gag reflex reacts.

Karen and Jon said...

I worked with a guy once that would blow his nose AT THE TABLE DURING LUNCH. We would take clients out to a nice restaurant and at the end of the meal he would blow his nose into his napkin. Absolutely horrifying. I finally told him that it was offensive and he didn't take it well. I was trying to save him.

Donna said...

I hate the spitting habit too. I'm repulsed when I'm walking down the sidewalk with nobody in sight and there's a big shiney glob of spit on the sidewalk! Why can't they spit it a few feet left or right and have it land in the bushes where I don't have to see it!?

I'm sorry to say that my husband is one of those guys who blows his nose at the dinner table. I swear it's his only flaw and I just can't bring myself to say anything to him about it. But it grosses me out every single time he does it. I've gently hinted that it's something I sure as heck would never do (although I might use a tissue discreetly at the table if I had a cold and it wasn't practical to run to the ladies room 25 times during the hour. But I wouldn't HONK!

Okay, back to spitting --- on our honeymoon, we were in Chinatown in San Francisco and I saw an old Chinese man in the park blow his nose on the ground! It's an image I'll never be able to get out of my head even though I'd love to!


Kristin said...

Oh wow... a few years ago I was at the hospital for some tests and an older (but like 60ish, not 100ish) man came in and, while he was waiting his turn, proceeded to just BREAK WIND REPEATEDLY like his life depended on it... I mean it was ABSOLUTELY AWFUL! I just shudder to this day... and he was SOSOSO happy and SIGHING with relief each and every time...

Gen said...


that would completely gross me out. I don't know how I am going to hide my look of disgust in China.

However, Sean, with his immature sense of humor, does like to break wind in public from time to time to get people's reactions. I HATE IT WHEN HE DOES THAT - I SWEAR I THINK THERE IS TRULY SOMETHING WRONG W/HIM WHEN HE DOES CRAP LIKE THAT!

sorry, been cooped up this past week, have PMS, and he just happened to do that at the airport when he picked me up - and you want to meet him ;)

M3 said...

I CAN'T STAND that spitting thing. It turns my stomach. A nice grocery store employee came up to get my cart in the parking lot a couple of days ago and I was all smiles until he leaned over right in front of me and hawked one. I nearly died. What the hell???

Michelle said...

Not much else to say but I totally agree with what everyone else said! It is disgusting! I too will gag reflexively if I see/hear someone doing this. There ought to be a law!

rubyiscoming said...

Listen, at least he grabbed a napkin. At O'Hare airport yesterday, I had a guy sneeze over....ME! Eeeew! Are you heavin' yet?

Where did manners go anyway?