Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Growl...Can I Come Live In Your House For Awhile?

This is the time of year that I start to hate Sacramento. It is getting hot. 90 degrees for the past few days. And our air conditioner is broken. I don't do heat well. On top of that, we have some issue with a pipe in our house leaking sewer gas, so our upstairs bathroom (hell, half of our upstairs!) smells like one. You wouldn't think this house was built only a year and a half ago. Who knows how they are going to fix that. I have a feeling the walls of my house are going to be torn apart this summer. I don't sound cranky, do I? Grrrrr.....

This little one is keeping me busy and away from the computer, too. She is constantly moving, and if she sees me on the computer, then she wants to pound the keyboard. Not a good thing. I am having trouble keeping up with my blogs, let alone writing on my own blog. It's just me playing with baby toys all day...which can get tiring. Woe is me, eh?
I need jokes and support. Anyone got anything? Better yet, can I just come visit a bunch of you now to escape this miserable weather? Thanks.


Gracencameronsmomy said...

You can come here, it is cold and foggy! How about we trade? I love the heat! But not without air conditioning...Really, though, you guys could ahng out here...

Space Mom said...

"Please come to Boston..."

We would love a play date! L could teach your Isabelle how to beat up her brother! Really! She's good at that. And how to throw a holy hell raising tantrum!

Today is rain and 50 degrees. Lovely

Stephanie said...

It is a spring like 70 degree in NJ. We would be happy to have you!

Stacy said...

Come on over, although the weather here in NJ is not so great. I can't get much done with my little one constantly yelling, "Mommy, play with me pllleeeaaase!"

Kristin said...

Come visit. My house is a wreck, but we do have a lovely port-a-potty on the driveway.

And I have wine... and a kid who can mix drinks!

Tammy said...

Hope your a/c get fixed quickly! I am not a hot weather girl & my hair is definitely allergic to humidity.

Isn't homeownership waaaaay over rated. What about the days when we could just call the landlord or super & have the sh** fixed?

Sending good, cool & fresh smelling thoughts your way.


Colleen said...

I'd invite you over but it's the desert so we are close to 100 degrees already. Not interested, huh? I have a pool! I can run a blender! Just let me know.

Angela said...

Hi Jen,
I know exactly what you're going through with hot weather and no AC.
We are in Alabama, it's already hot here, and we just had to replace our AC unit. So anyway, it's nice and cool in here now, so you can come here!
Come on over to my blog, and check out my latest post, it might help lighten your spirits just a little!

atomic mama said...

They just don't make things like they used to, do they? We built our house 5 years ago, and while it's faring better than I predicted, I only give it another 5 before it - and the whole neighborhood - goes to hell. And we had a way-better-than-average builder. We plan to be outta here by then.

Oh - and our A/C with a 5-year warranty... the compressor DIED at 5 years and 1 month. In the middle of the summer last year. I swear to god they must program these things to self-destruct.

Hang in there!

Amy said...

Hey girl! We used to leave in Carmel/Monterey. We had the cold fog! I bet you'd take that huh? :) Anna is always pounding on the key board as well. She gives a bang and a screen pops up that I've never seen! :) I'm there with you. She has the mouse now. Amy